Well, here we are. Quarantined. Forced to find new ways to fill our days. Experiencing new mindsets. Learning a new way of living for awhile. Everyone is dealing with it in their own way. Some might be enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime chance to recharge and relax. Others may be struggling with feelings of discomfort in all forms. Maybe some of both. But, however you are feeling, it’s okay. It really is okay not to be okay all the time. When we are pushed out of our comfort zone, we are offered an opportunity to reflect and grow. Getting ready for the future. This may be an icky feeling, but know that it will pass. However you are feeling, know that you are not alone. And things WILL get better. 


So, while you have a little extra time on your hands, here are a few unique, mindful ways to get out of the funk without leaving the house. It can be healthy for everyone to learn new ways of focusing the mind in a positive way and you never know what you will learn about yourself and/or the rest of the family. 


I’d like to start with some self-care ideas because YOU are the most important. If you don’t take care of YOUR well-being, it will permeate into everything around you. Your kids, significant other, family members, YOUR future. 

Take this time to explore YOUR hopes and dreams. Learn ways to self-soothe. Many people don’t find the time to really explore what makes them spark or what makes them feel good. Not what excites everyone around them or makes everyone else feel warm and fuzzy, but what makes THEM light up. What makes THEM feel good.

The following journal prompt ideas do not have to be short or long. This is YOUR time to write whatever you want. It can be one word, one sentence or multiple. Just write something! 


1. Bucket List

Write down anything you can think of that you would like to experience during your lifetime. These can be things near or far. Maybe you want to try Geocaching? Learn to sew? Learn how to make egg salad? Or climb Mt. Everest? Shit, maybe you even want to move to the mountains and live in a tiny house? Nothing is too small or too big. Use your imagination.  

What are you noticing as you write? Fears? Justifications why it’s not possible? Be aware of those thoughts, but don’t let them hold you back. Just keep writing. 


2. Affirmations 

This is your own personal list of kind words to yourself. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM CAPABLE. I KICK ASS. Whatever you feel you need to hear in this moment. Or things you would like to happen in the future. Manifest it! Jot it down and know that they will always be there when you’re having a difficult time. Refer back to your kind words when you have moments of struggle.

Be conscious of your self-talk after reading your affirmations. Do you replace it with a negative afterwards? For example, if your affirmation is I AM BEAUTIFUL and your mind quickly replies YES, EXCEPT… be aware of that. The idea is to build self-worth and break old thought patterns so that you can feel good about yourself! Keep repeating that affirmation until that negative self-talk has become less and less. Trust me. You deserve it. 



3. List of Joyful Things

Make a list of all the things that bring you joy. This may sound like an odd thing to do, but it’s a fun way to focus on what makes YOU happy. Because do you really know deep down what brings you joy? Write down whatever comes to mind. Anything from a warm shower to camping to lemon in your water to a fresh pair of undies. Get creative and see how many things you can think of!

Again, take note of what feelings arise from this activity. Are you feeling more grateful? More positive? Did you notice yourself wanting to write something and then realizing, “Wait, that actually does not bring me joy?” Did you learn anything about yourself? Did you think of things you DO NOT like?  

Make a list of all the things that bring you joy. This may sound like an odd thing to do, but it’s a fun wa+hi2EsAjTWSdVHV5tprWZA 

4. Control 

This is an uneasy, uncertain time in our lives so making a list of what we can and cannot control can help ease anxiety and focus our mind on what we can do NOW. What can you do right NOW, in this very moment? Worried about something? Ask yourself.. “Can I do anything about it in this moment?” 

If anxiety starts to creep in as you jot down some things you cannot control, then take a moment to notice where you feel that in your body. Is your chest tightening? Are your hands sweaty? Notice it. Then inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Continue for a couple minutes, paying attention to the sensations in your body. Move on with your list once your body has become more calm. 


Once you have taken a little time to do something kind for yourself, move onto something fun you can do with your loved ones. Whether it’s just you and your significant other or you have children, these activities are fun for everyone! 

It’s always important to reconnect with the whole family and now is the time! These are also opportunities to learn more about each other and develop positive, healthy habits that everyone can feel good about. 

5. Notes

Write each other little messages and hide them in the house. They don’t need to be long and sappy. Just little reminders about what they mean to you or something you appreciate about them. 


Dear hubby/wifey-“Thank you for doing the dishes. It was sexy!” 

Or “I appreciate the smile on your face when you’re playing with the kids.” 

Dear (child’s name)-“Thank you for treating your brother/sister with respect. It was kind of you to do that.” 

Or “You are a brave, intelligent kid and I’m so proud of you.”

Stick a post-it in his or her sock drawer. Or on the toilet paper roll (if you still have some left). It’s fun to find a random note throughout the day. Little reminders of love and appreciation go a long way.  

6. Gratitude

This is one of my favorites! Gratitude also helps to focus the brain on what is good IN THIS MOMENT (because that’s all we have right?) And it can be beneficial in relieving many feelings of mental discomfort. If you practice enough, you may find that your mind is noticing what you’re grateful for numerous times a day. 

Gratitude Jar- Each year, my husband and I, start with an empty jar and add new memories to it each week. Something we are grateful for that happened. At the end of the year, we sit down and read them together, reminisce and laugh about all the awesome memories-many of which we had forgotten even happened! Start a jar where everyone can add to it. They can add to it any time. Decide as a family when you want to read the memories together! 



Meal Gratitude- Before each family meal (I’m sure there is a lot of these right now), have a member of the family pick a theme-a person, color, object, etc. and have each person go around the table and say 1-2 things they are grateful for relating to that chosen theme. It sets a peaceful tone for meal time and it’s a chance to shift everyone’s mindset to a calmer place. 

7. Vision board

This is a fun and inspiring activity for the whole family. It’s a chance for everyone to get excited for the future and explore their own personal visions of happiness and success. It can help take away the feelings of hopelessness and allow for more focus on future possibilities.

Materials needed: 

Old magazines 





An open-mind 

(You can also pin the images/words on a bulletin board if you have one)

Cut out and/or write any dreams you have for the future and glue them to the paper. Any hopes, goals and anything that brings joy. At the end, share your visions boards with each other and offer support and encouragement. You will most likely be surprised by what excites others. Hang the vision boards on the fridge or a wall where everyone can see them and be reminded of the hope ahead. 





8. Bucket List 

After creating YOUR own bucket list, try doing one with the family! Find a notebook/journal/jar that you can dedicate to this. As with the gratitude jar, everybody can add things they would like to experience. They can be personal wishes or activities the family can do together! 

Again, this is a great activity to get to know each a little better and connect on a deeper level. And to just try something different because for goodness sakes we are running out of ideas right? 🙂

Don’t stress yourself out with any of these suggestions. I recommend trying one and noticing how you and/or the rest of the family feels and how their actions shift. Share your experiences after doing the activity. Laugh about it. Cry about it. Whatever comes from it, let it be. 

And be gentle with yourself and others. If it seems too daunting to start, then it’s okay! Know that these are here for you when you’re ready. If it all seems a little too hippy and out there and you would rather sit on the couch and binge watch Netflix or put on Halloween costumes and run around the yard, then shit, that’s okay too! At least you killed some time reading this far.

This is a time to relax and recharge. Take advantage of it, however that looks like for you and your family. 


Wishing you all a time of positive mindset shifts and connection.

Stay positive. Stay weird my friends 🙂 


With gratitude,



P.S. I’m working on some exciting news soon so stay tuned 🙂 No, not pregnant yet. But we are still working on that.

1 thought on “8 Mindful Activities for Everyone (Quarantine or Not)

  1. NIce post, Amber. Very well thought out and beautifully written. I remember when you thought you didn’t write well. I certainly hope you have a different mindset around that because you make yourself well understood and are effectively resourceful. With love Grandma Linda

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